This entry is from the module entitled Theoretical Foundations where we looked at the importance of a first impression, theories of leadership, the OCT standards, transformational leadership, and the Teacher Leadership and Learning Program.
I am including my plan for leading staff through professional learning around the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) Standards and Ethical Standards. I think the ideal audience for a plan like this would be an NTIP group (new teachers and their mentors) but could also be used for a school wide professional learning.
I feel that this assignment was the one that I benefited from the most because it forced me to think about how to make a seemingly dry topic into meaningful, relevant learning. These standards are what we agree to adhere to when we apply to be an Ontario Certified Teacher and the standards and ethics are the roots we should never forget as teachers.
I found that reviewing the standards and ethics also reminded me of Ontario's assessment policy document, Growing Success.
Here is the plan that I came up with:
Standards Plan (35 minutes)
(15 + 5 minutes)
Give an envelope with the 5 standards and their descriptions
(separated). Groups have to pair the titles and descriptions. Clarify the
standards for any groups that need it. Then groups choose from one of the
following options:
“Most Important to Least Important” protocol – try to prioritize the
5 principles from most to least
important. Share your thinking and try to agree on the order. Is it possible
to rank them?
“Name it, Explain it” protocol – give each principle a ONE word name
explain why you think it is the best choice.
Groups work together to brainstorm ways that they use/show the
standards in their daily practices (both in and out of the classroom).
(10 + 5 minutes)
Staff reflection (supply a graphic organizer for anyone who would
like) to analyze personal practices as ways that they think they best
exemplify each standard and one area of their practice they could work on to
better exemplify each standard.
Staff anonymously share one best and one are of improvement via a
padlet ( for whole group debrief.
Ethical Dilemma Plan (25 minutes)
(This plan could be used at the same professional learning
session or at a future session)
Group (5 minutes)
Review the Ethical Standards via OCT website as a whole group.
Time to discuss points that are not clear.
Individual & Group
(5 + 5 + 10 minutes)
Case studies – give each group an ethical dilemma (dilemmas collected
from known education stories) – 1 copy per person. Have staff use the “3-2-1”
protocol (identify 3 things you think are key to the situation, 2 things you
want more information about, and 1 suggested solution you have).
Present the following as a resource for ethical dilemmas:
Refer to the Ethical Standards at
to help determine which option fits within the standards
Bounce ideas off of a colleague with reference
to the Ethical Standards
Consult your department head
Discuss with your union Branch President
Consult with your principal or vice-principal
Group discussion about solutions – can you agree on a solution? Which
resources would you choose to use? Which would you skip? Why?
Links to Daily School Routines
The following will be released as a resource after the above
activities are complete for staff reference.
Description and Links to Daily
School Routines
Commitment to Students and Student Learning
Members are
dedicated in their care and commitment to students. They treat students
equitably and with respect and are sensitive to factors that influence
individual student learning. Members facilitate the development of students
as contributing citizens of Canadian society.
Differentiated learning and assessment
Recognition of the needs of different
backgrounds (cultural, sexual orientation, etc)
Student supervision
Seating plans that attend to needs to students
with IEPs or social needs
Teaching character and embedding relevant
Canadian and world issues into lessons where possible
Professional Knowledge
Members strive
to be current in their professional knowledge and recognize its relationship
to practice. They understand and reflect on student development, learning
theory, pedagogy, curriculum, ethics, educational research and related
policies and legislation to inform professional judgment in practice.
Exploring new strategies, ideas and techniques
(pedagogy, assessment practice, etc) through reading and/or professional
Use student data, research, Growing Success, and related board
assessment policy documents to guide and support decisions
Reflect on personal practice when new ideas
are presented
Professional Practice
Members apply
professional knowledge and experience to promote student learning. They use
appropriate pedagogy, assessment and evaluation, resources and technology in
planning for and responding to the needs of individual students and learning
communities. Members refine their professional practice through ongoing
inquiry, dialogue and reflection.
Trying new strategies, ideas and
techniques in the classroom
Using student assessment data to
plan future use of new techniques and/or make adjustments
Using student assessment data to
plan/reflect on lessons going forward
Collaborate with course teams,
department and other professional networks to make decisions, develop
curriculum, and reflect on practices
Leadership in Learning Communities
Members promote
and participate in the creation of collaborative, safe and supportive
learning communities. They recognize their shared responsibilities and their
leadership roles in order to facilitate student success. Members maintain and
uphold the principles of the ethical standards in these learning communities.
Arrange classrooms/learning
environments to promote collaboration, safe spaces, and effective learning
Promote learning and learning skills
as primary focus (not grades)
Be an example learner by sharing
learning, trying new things, etc
Deprivatize practice by sharing with
colleagues and/or online
Ongoing Professional Learning
recognize that a commitment to ongoing professional learning is integral to
effective practice and to student learning. Professional practice and
self-directed learning are informed by experience, research, collaboration
and knowledge.
Participate in collaborative inquiries or do
personal action research
Attend workshops, lunch and learn
opportunities, courses etc
blogs, books, tweets or other professional dialogues
Reflect on own practices to identify personal
areas of learning
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