We are finally well enough into second semester that I can actually say that it feels like I am doing this for the second time. This being teaching...and this really being only one course, but still. At least it finally feels a little bit less like a scramble every day. I think.
My Grade 11 course does not have a current textbook and teaching Science for the first time is beyond a scramble. So really, the newbie status has a long while to go before it's behind me (I'm still on probation after all - and will be until the end of October).
I am sure that I have come up with a million little things that I wanted to blog about since my last post, and a couple of big ones too...but it appears as though they have all gotten lost in the shuffle. Pushed back into the complex storm of brain activity that goes on...lost in the madness of a first year teacher.
This week is a fundraising drive for camp that has a patient facility for children with cancer. It has been quite the site to see all of these kids pull out their spare change, run bake sales, sell perogies, sell roses, etc etc etc. So many of the homeforms have contributed some kind of lunch fundraiser and they have had other major events (such as a talent show) to boot. It is really neat to see what these kids can manage when many of them come from less affluent homes. Such great spirit (and I've heard that this hasn't been the most involved year, it's still amazing).
Anyway, I have survived my second Parent's Night now and Math GAINS has been going in full force. We have one more lesson to observe and debrief and one more anchor session to attend. The missing classes thing has been difficult at times but all of my classes are coping so far (and probably used to my absence). It has definitely be interesting though, I have learned a lot and it has been a great experience. Getting to build lessons with colleagues and actually see them in action is very cool - and very Japanese (seriously, they have led the way a lot with this type of Professional Development).
It is late now, and though I have much to say it will have to wait for another time!