After 20 years of my own education I will officially be a teacher in my home-grown province. Through a round of applications for permanent positions in Math/Science roles I landed four interviews in all and, in the end, two job offers. I accepted the first offer that came through thinking it would be a week before I heard from the last school and they ended up calling the next day. Not that this knowledge would have changed the decision to accept the offer, but it was a little ironic as I never expected to get two offers, nevermind land a full-time, permanent position my first year out of the Faculty. It feels really surreal still and I have had 24 hours to soak it in.
3 math preps at a semestered school will make for a very busy and interesting year. The school is small and seems like a great place to start my career and I will get a chance to teach a science class second semester as well. I am definitely excited, despite being rather nervous and unsure about it all (well, not about the profession itself, of that I know I want).
Time will tell what the experience may bring, and I will be sure to keep you posted (though I cannot guarantee frequent updates! haha).
Happy learning!